

1. Background

At present, books considered to be a tedious thing to siswa.Mereka think reading books is an activity to waste their time more fun using their time to play games such as playing cell phone or computer.
The condition of the current library is concern, because it rarely visit it. Actually the library already provides a variety of books ranging from books magazines, newspapers, and books of knowledge. But these books are like a display only, very few would read it.
Normally a student read the book when the lesson that too if asked by the teacher. When at home, a student only read the book if there is a PR course. Let alone read, opened just jarang.Kebiasaan-habit that should not be happening. Because the book is a window of the world.

2. Problem formulation 

1. What causes students to lazy to read?
2. Efforts to what can be done for a student to love reading?
3. What book are favored by a student?


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