Learning to read beginning in primary schools has a strategic value for the development of personality and abilities of students. Personality development can be inculcated through reading text materials (texts, sentences, words, syllables, letters / sounds of language) that contains a moral, educational value, social value, emotional-spiritual values, and various other posts as the basic building blocks of good personality on students. Similarly, the development capability can also be taught in an integrated way through reading the text material that contains a variety of knowledge and new experiences that could ultimately have implications for the development of student ability. Akhadiah (1992) in Zuchdi and Budiasih (1996/1997: 49) states that through learning to read, teachers can develop moral values, reasoning ability and creativity of students.
Beginning reading activities can not be separated with beginning writing activities. That is, both kinds of language skills can be trained simultaneously. When students learn to read, students also learn about writing in the form of letter-syllable-word-sentence read. After learning to read the language unit, students need to learn how to write it. Vice versa, when students learn to write the letter-syllable-word-sentences, students also learn how to read the language unit.
Although learning to read and write beginning to be taught in an integrated way, but its implementation is still being done in stages, starting reading it first and then combined with the activity of writing. This was done because the skills of reading can be predicted to have a lower level of difficulty of the writing skills that have a higher level of difficulty because it requires special support which involves skills related to the readiness of students' motor skills. Though having difficulty reading skills have a lower level, but still quite a lot about the difficulties encountered numerous cases of children in reading. Therefore in this discussion is focused on teaching reading, namely reading beginning in primary schools
Expected learning outcomes in teaching beginning reading in grade 1 primary school, among others, students can (1) familiarize yourself and behave correctly in reading single images, image series, and images in the book, (2) read aloud syllable, word, label, Arabic numerals, simple sentences, (3) read noise (current) simple sentences consisting of 3-5 words, (4) read a fragment of a story with the correct pronunciation and intonation (MONE, 2003). Learning outcomes specified in the curriculum can be developed in accordance with students' abilities and conditions. Achievements also need to be done in stages based on the level of difficulty of material, the ability of students, local environmental conditions, availability of facilities and infrastructure, etc..
Habituation in the act of reading includes the first step in learning to read the beginning. Students' primary need to be trained how to posture in reading, how many ideal distance between the eyes with reading materials, how to put a book or a position on the table, how to hold books, how do I open the pages of books read, etc.. Having mastered the material, just started learning to read aloud about syllables, words, labels, Arabic numerals, and simple sentences. In pelaksaanaan learning can be done in two ways, namely inductive and deductive. Inductive model is a model of learning from specific to general, while the deductive model is a model of learning from general to specific. In the inductive model, students' primary language units terkekil introduced first and then introduce the sentence and discourse. Thus, students are introduced before the sounds of language or letters, introduced a new syllable. From the next syllable words are introduced and followed the introduction of whole sentences and reading text or discourse. Method to write beginnings of learning to read using inductive learning model are (1) Alphabet Method, (2) Method of Sound, (3) Method The word Tribe, and (4) Method Institute said. In the Department of Education (1991/1992) stated that the Alphabet method is a method of learning to read and write the steps beginning with the introduction / reading hurufm arranging letters into syllables, combining syllables into sentences. Sound methods have in common with the method of Letters, differing only in terms of how to recite the alphabet or the sounds of language being studied.
Methods The word Tribe is a method of learning reading and writing beginning with these steps presents the words that have been peeled into syllables. Then the tribes said it is bundled into words, and the last step stringing words into sentences. This method is similar to the method of the Institute said, that learning to read and write the beginning of the implementation of the lesson begins by introducing the word. In Zuchdi and Budiasih (1996/1997) stated that 'the agency said "are words that have been known to the child.
In a deductive model, students' primary language introduced the largest units first (sentence, discourse) and then introduce the word, syllable, until the letters or the sounds of language. Learning method that uses deductive models of learning are (1) The Methods of Global and Methods SAS. Zuchdi and Budiasih (1996/1997) stated that the Global Method arise as a result of the influence of gestalt psychology, which argues that a unanimity or unity would be more meaningful than the sum of its parts. In application of this method to introduce to students primary school to read a few sentences. Although students are not familiar with the letters or words, students are still taught to read the sentence is repeated sentence by imitating the read oleh.guru. Furthermore, one of the sentences were taken and used as an example of the sentence to be analyzed. Sentences are described atyas words, syllables, letters. After students are familiar with the letters, then letters are bundled into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences.
The term comes from the acronym SAS Synthetic Structural Analysis. Meode SAS is a method of learning to read and write the beginning that starts with a step as he showed a picture tells supporters. After that, students are encouraged to read the image, followed by reading the sentence under the picture. Next image removed or taken and stayed the sentence. Students practice reading the sentence without the aid of pictures (the structural). Sentences are then analyzed into words, syllables, letters (analytic process). The final step is to merge back the letters into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences (synthetic process).
The methods of learning to read the beginning of these efforts is a great alternative for students 'literacy' or 'literate discourse'. In other words read the beginning of the learning method is an alternative way that can be chosen by teachers for students to primary schools to read fluently. After students can read fluently, then students are trained to read a variety of reading texts according to ability. In order to launch the skills of reading, also taught how to pronounce the correct words and sentences and also teaches how reasonable intonation in reading. In addition nonsastra text, literary text also introduced at the beginning of the child in learning to read, for example in learning to read a fragment of a story with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
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