

Learning to read beginning in primary schools has a strategic value for the development of personality and abilities of students. Personality development can be inculcated through reading text materials (texts, sentences, words, syllables, letters / sounds of language) that contains a moral, educational value, social value, emotional-spiritual values, and various other posts as the basic building blocks of good personality on students. Similarly, the development capability can also be taught in an integrated way through reading the text material that contains a variety of knowledge and new experiences that could ultimately have implications for the development of student ability. Akhadiah (1992) in Zuchdi and Budiasih (1996/1997: 49) states that through learning to read, teachers can develop moral values, reasoning ability and creativity of students.


In essence, reading is a process to understand and reconstruct the meaning contained in reading material. Message or meaning contained in the text reading is a mutual interaction, active interaction, and dynamic interaction between the reader has basic knowledge with the sentences, facts, and information contained in the text readings. The information contained in the literature is information invisible to the eye or can be referred to as the source of visual information. Knowledge base which was previously owned by the reader is the information stored in the memory of the brain / mind reader or can be called with nonvisual information sources. Both kinds of sources of information need to be owned equally by the reader. It means the ability to

Students favored Books

In this world, various kinds of books have been published. Starting from the magazine story books, books of knowledge etc.. However, not all popular books each student has a book siswa.Ternyata kegemeran respectively.

Efforts to improve students' reading interest Simak

To increase interest in reading on the government has built many libraries in schools and public libraries.

      Other efforts that make a program organized by the school for example, every once a week, students must membwa any book that has to be exchanged with friends so that more students can read various books. "To get used to love to read, interest, and interest in reading children need to be stimulated so that he used to and have a reading culture. In this process the role of parents is required. Similarly the authors and publishers are expected to always be productive and menebitkan creating quality books. Libraries can be a means of growing interest in reading if the library can serve as a center of interest in reading

      Another thing that can be done to increase interest in reading such a book commemorating the day falls on 23 April. In addition to the socialization of the importance of reading for students. Perhaps, with the event, students are aware of the importance of reading books. The role of parents also diperlukaa parents must be very clever to pick and choose books to read so in accordance with his age.

DISCUSSION The cause of a lazy student reading

Reading is very important in life kita.sebab, a door to gain knowledge. However, there are factors that cause students to lazy to learn, for example:
Purpose of Life
Reading has not been used as an activity that can help us achieve the goal of life.
Study Habits
Study habits of a student who only have homework just in time cause the students rarely open a book and read it.

Lack of learning materials such as books. actually read not only from books but may also from newspaper or magazine

Lack of student awareness about the importance of reading.

Support Environment
Lively atmosphere make uncomfortable reading, because whilereading needs peace.

Public Facilities
Libraries unuk occupied uncomfortable condition can also causestudents lazy mengunjunginya.Yudi Murtato a teacher SdnJatikalen II Nganjuk revealed that "many who think reading is a jobfor people who are stupid and less work. " This feeling that causesa lack of interest in reading.


1. Background

At present, books considered to be a tedious thing to siswa.Mereka think reading books is an activity to waste their time more fun using their time to play games such as playing cell phone or computer.
The condition of the current library is concern, because it rarely visit it. Actually the library already provides a variety of books ranging from books magazines, newspapers, and books of knowledge. But these books are like a display only, very few would read it.
Normally a student read the book when the lesson that too if asked by the teacher. When at home, a student only read the book if there is a PR course. Let alone read, opened just jarang.Kebiasaan-habit that should not be happening. Because the book is a window of the world.

2. Problem formulation 

1. What causes students to lazy to read?
2. Efforts to what can be done for a student to love reading?
3. What book are favored by a student?